Lawrenceville Garage Door

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Pros & Cons of a Sectional Garage Door and Solid Garage Door

We know that most people don’t know as much about garage doors as they should. Our Lawrenceville, GA customers come to us because they realize that we know all that there is to know about garage doors. You might be wondering what the differences are between a solid garage door and a sectional garage door. Both of these garage doors are great options but they also have their pros and cons, those of which we will go into detail about. We want you to be in a position to make the best decision possible, which we are confident that you will be able to do once you are presented with all the necessary information that makes this possible.

Solid Garage Doors

Those of a particular age might remember when solid garage doors were requested more than sectional doors. There could be a good reason for this and the main reason being that they were less expensive than sectional garage doors. Another reason is that it is easy to install. It is installed into the hinge of inside the door jam. After the springs have been attached and once the automatic garage door has been attached, you are able to start using your garage. Both the solid and sectional garage door use the same amount of space, the biggest difference is that they operate differently. The solid panel garage door can be hung similar to the sectional garage door. The way that your garage door is hung will determine the level of ease or difficulty that it is installed.

Benefits of a Solid Garage Door

Since a solid garage door is just a slab it is far easier to install, which is why many homeowner’s elect to have this type of door. However, just because it is easy to install doesn’t mean that it is right for you. Continue reading about it to determine if the benefits that it offers is good enough for you.

  • Ease of Installation – Again, this is one of the top reasons that homeowner’s choose to have it installed. It is also easy and affordable to maintain. Since the sectional garage door has so many parts, it makes it more challenging to install. It will also take much longer to install. There is more of a chance of leaving a part out when installing a sectional than with a solid door, with fewer parts.
  • Retrofitted – If you have an existing garage door and you just want to replace it then our service professionals can use the same hardware.
  • Variety of Options – You’ll have many style options when you choose the solid panel garage door. While the sectional door also offers a lot of variety, the panels have to be matched perfectly so that it looks cohesive. It can also take up a lot of time to match up the panels, perfectly!
  • Great pricing – The solid door panel is less expensive than the sectional garage door. This is one of the reasons they are chosen more often then the sectional door. The parts of your solid garage door can be easily replaced for less than those of a sectional garage door. The sold door has fewer parts than the sectional, which means it will also be cheaper to install. If this important to you then chances are that you’ll prefer a solid garage door to the sectional garage door.

There are some who feel that the solid garage door is a more practical option than the sectional garage door. Just because this is the type of garage door best suited to your needs doesn’t mean that it is right for everyone. Some people would prefer a sectional garage door. Here is why:

Benefits of a Sectional Garage Door

  • Well insulated – No more worrying about expensive energy bills because the installation of a sectional garage door is so efficiently installed that it offers insulating benefits.
  • Affordable repairs – Since the sectional garage door has more parts, it is going to take more to repair it. This means that the repairs will cost more. If a section of the garage door is damaged, only that section will need to be replaced or repaired. However, if there is a solid door that requires repairs, it is less expensive since there aren’t as many parts.
  • Safe – The garage door springs were the most dangerous part of the garage door, however, due to the safety features, they are not as dangerous as they were before. They used to break more easily because of wear and tear. This created a dangerous situation. However, now they are made with the features that make the garage door safe for continued use.

As you can see there are pros and cons of both the sectional and the solid garage door. We believe that we have provided you with enough information so that you can make a confident decision about what you will do. There are some things that are just beyond our control, such as the weather, which can affect the way that your garage door functions.

Lawrenceville Garage Door

Call us now: (678) 301-2445

Choose the best company in the area if you need assistance with this important aspect of your home. Choose the staff at Lawrenceville Garage Door and expect excellence. You can schedule an appointment by calling us at your convenience.
